Thursday, August 8, 2013

Well if Plan A doesn't work there's always... Well you get it

The FDA has approved to allow women ages 15 and older to receive emergency contraceptive over the counter Plan B.

Besides the usual outrage of "They're too young!" "You're promoting sex!" "You're making it okay and easy for them to take a life!" "They are women and free to do what they will with their bodies!"
I wanted to strike up the part of the conversation of awareness, no not sexual awareness or of their situation of who is taking it, but of the possibilities of young women getting deadly blot clots.

Initially I did not think about this and it is a serious issue.
Personally I could have inherited Factor-5 a rare blood clotting disorder, if I had not gone to my doctor and got proper blood testing I would be walking through life unaware that I could have a clot simply from sitting too long.

Think of these young women 15, generally the age of a sophomore in high school. Are they sexually active? Yes. But are they  aware of what this high concentrated dosage of birth control could do to their bodies?

Now don't make this an age thing, because the makers of Gardasil (shot taken by young girls so they don't contract HPV, which could lead to cervical cancer). Don't get me started on that, if you let your kid get that shot (which you should to take precaution) they should also be seeing a gynecologist at the time and you are admitting to yourself that your daughter could and will be having sex and she and potentially her other partner could have HPV which is sexually transmitted and males are the carriers. GOOD TIMES.
Point being that that lovely shot dolling brand is reportedly also creating a shot for 9 year old boys to prevent them from getting herpes because oral sex is rising amongst youngsters. (Did someone's jaw just go slack?)

Well, going back to the fact that they are 15 and older than 9 and America is afraid to talk about sex, we should better educate in our schools not only on sex, but provide them with the necessary safety precautions to be taken but also inform them of the consequences involved. The new addition to it would be to add on the risks of blood clotting disorders and how deadly they are.
(Just saying these girls were in high school too...)